Wednesday, March 25, 2009

New !ReToX! Main Store @ Snatch City

Last week we found the seals on the old quarantined Snatch City had been breached by… something. 

Records are sketchy as to why Snatch City had originally been sealed; we found abandoned buildings, overgrown mutated plant life and hostile insects. Most strange of all in this modern city was a stone temple with evidence of recent activity of an ancient “Cult of Cthluhlu”. Clearly this is still a mysterious and highly dangerous place.  Of course we did the only sensible thing we could, we moved our main store location right in.

Due to the severe overpopulation on Pulse we not the only ones to relocate, in fact the once quarantined area is now fully populated.  I recently did a full walkthrough of Snatch City that you can see here. Snatch City WalkThru


Ok, ok we get it. You have a new store, get on with it!


New Boots!


Studded Boots are Black Leather Combat Boots with Metal Studded Straps. Also available blood splattered and rusted. Mod/Trans Only $175L

New Bargain Basement!


Every item in the basement is 50-80% off, everyday, all the time.


5 Regular Item Freebees!


You remember the drill, regular items, not hidden, FREE; you just need to find them.


Remember old landmarks bad, new landmark good!

Have a better one,


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